With the remaining free day, because of the funeral we went shopping (Thom, Reece and I) – the first real big shopping day, since I’ve been here! (Unbelievable if you know me, I know :P) In the end I spend more as I wanted to, but I found dresses in my size (very hard in Germany, as all the women there are so tall...) and very nice blouses. (Aber bei 10 Euro die Bluse kann man nicht meckern und am Ende hab ich für ziemlich viel Zeug doch ziemlich weniger ausgegeben, als bei einem Shopping-Tag in Deutschland!)
I think Thom made some revealing pictures...
The next day I carried myself half-sleeping through the day. Maybe it was because of the rain, I don’t know but I was a wreck :P Matt had to deal with me during lunch-time and in the end it led us two eating kare-kare with tongue. I thought it was fish, as I had a bite, but as I was chewing and chewing and couldn’t swallow it I put it aside and later we found out what it was ^^
Friday was the day of our interview-production. At five my cellphone rang and Kay texted me her interviewee won’t come! After some text messages, which I expected not to be answered I rang Thom out of his bed. And I really got a bad concious when he was telling me, he didn’t slept the night – but fort he sake of our production I could persuade him to come (as I rang him at 6.45 he still had one and a half hour to get ready^^). And in the end he even was a little bit glad he did that ☺))
Der erste Kommentar als er unsere Klasse betreten hat, war ungefähr, OMG sind die alle süß und dann OMG ist das aufregend *g* Aber das soll er euch mal selbst erzählen: http://pinoy-thom.blogspot.com/
My interview was re-scheduled so my interviewee Dennis and his laptop weren’t ready yet. But we did it anyway. I was a little bit nervous, f* english, but that’s why I wanted to do the class ☺ Dennis is chief photographer of the epa here in the Philippines, you can have a look at his pictures here: Dennis Sabangan on epa and beside that he’s my classmate in my often cancelled shortfilmclass.
Later we had lunch with Reece and went to the nice Cafe next to the not-finished museum on campus ☺
Wir mußten ihn ja immer noch wegen seiner Trennung aufbauen und dann haben wir einige Geschichten zu hören bekommen! So viel zu Seifenopern, also wir brauchen keine anschauen :P
As Kay’s got her brithday next Tuesday she invited us to a little party with her friend Yuuya. They got a amazing cake (which was amazingly blue, too) and napakamasarap na pansit (very delicous noodles). They celebrated in a part of the University, that’s under construction for a long time :P And then we found out how small the world actually is, when we met a friend of Thoms German-learning friend Christina, who is in Germany at the moment ☺)) (As there were more pictures, I putt hem on picasa).
Der australische Kommentar des Abends war dann: Na, gottseidank hat Kay einen Freund... Unser Liebestoller wäre sonst wohl nicht zu stoppen. Da fragt sich ob seine Behauptung, wir sollten uns unter die Leute mischen, ich mag das in einer Gruppe stehen nicht so – doch eher ein: ich möchte die Mädls näher kennen lernen war (zur Erklärung es waren natürlich alle irgendwie in Gruppen gestanden und auch wenn Thom und ich nicht auf Teufel komm raus mit allen unterhalten haben, haben wir uns schon ganz gut unter die Leute gemischt ☺. Ich muß hier kurz demonstrativ den Kopf schütteln ☺
Ach ja und ganz liebe Grüße an die Heike, ich hätte mit'm Bernd Wetten sollen, ich wusste, dass du in Königsbrunn landest, jetzt wo du in Haunstetten wohnst :P Aber insgesamt suuuuuper! Ich glaube wir kommen alle echt nicht voneinander los *ggg*
So Blog aktualisiert...jetzt gibts den anderen Teil der Story ^^