First: Liebe Sabine, alles Liebe, Gute und viel Glück zum Geburtstag!!!
When Belle texted me, she’s got something to talk about my visa... I was already aware that this sounded not good... Thursday I went to Belle’s Office and she showed me my passport. Yes, there was a visa inside but just until September 17. I wanted to bang my head on the table. Why is it so hard to get a visa for six months in this country... it’s connected at least to two of the following: bad medical examinations, quarantine, a lot of waiting, desperate follow ups, a lot of money and some bribe.
So at the end I’ll have paid about 250 Euros to stay in a country, that shouldn’t be afraid that foreigners will stay too long and on the other hand wants them to stay to spend some money... But this dismotivates my desire to go shopping or whatever...
When I went home with the jeepney Thom stopped me and I met a funny Filipino who was eager to speak spanish with me. I had to look for my words in the depths of my brain, but I managed well. Then Alysa, a Korean girl I met on my enrollment day crossed our way. We had tried to meet some times, but there was always something coming inbetween – so finally we met again by chance :) But the Filipino boy didn’t stop to speak in Spanish – I now have a glimpse of the information overload and trying to attend to everyone the boys must suffer, when they’re watching the Simpsons, but their girlfriend tries to tell them something important :P
After the long day I rewarded myself with some gyros and tomatorice. I invited Kay again and showed her the music I wanted to use for my MTV (if it’s good I ask someone to upload it ^^). Then I remebered I wanted to burn her a disc with German music for her birthday but I forgot. So I searched through my itunes afterwards and compiled a dvd.... now comes the horror. My drive was making noise, as if it would load a weapon and spill out the dvd in every next second so it can slice through everything on its way. Fortunately that didn’t happen, but it didn’t burn neither. Next try you could hear the tray trying to close but it didn’t work, try and try and try and some hammering on the laptop and some tries ... I even shut the whole thing down and tried it the next day, but the same problem. So after class I went to the mall to the mac store, after some waiting (again), they told me they could send it to the repair center and it would take two to three weeks. Shit, I was already thinking that could happen... Estimated four to six weeks without my computer is totally impossible (even if they would be in time). My search for a external dvd-burner was unsuccessful, too – I tried one, but my laptop is too old and didn’t connect. Fine.
Additionally I think we never get dsl, because Kaye’s application was rejected. So I’ll remain online between 11pm and 9 am...
After that, I needed to get me a huge burger, some french fries and a bookstore :) - I really like fully booked, because national bookstore is better for school equipment it looks like the book department in Karstadt :P - and went out spending 30 Euro on books (jeeez they got me, where was my intention of protesting against materialism to harm the economy... I would never do a good activist ;) But at least I have a birthday present for Emilie and one for Czarinas babyshower (that’s really cool – but I can’t tell you jet ^^). The other two things were a little bit more selfish...
Ok, next time there should be a little post about books, from the bookworm :)
Ostern 2021
vor 3 Jahren
doofes Visa :-(